the slimming method





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Do you want to enter the world of aesthetics in the largest chain of slimming centers in Italy?

Franchising opening Sanybei beauty center

The Becchis Line brand to accompany and guide those who want to start a new business in the professional beauty sector. A shared and supportive path, starting from the choice of location and setting up the spaces, up to the working method and advertising.


In a sector such as the aesthetic one, strongly marked by foreign competition, Sanybei represents a point of reference and a unique opportunity to invest in an original, unique and effective slimming method. After years of experience, today our network counts hundreds of centers throughout Italy that house our equipment and that use a consolidated working method with guaranteed results.

Today our method, made up of professional competence, equipment and materials produced directly, is a real virtuous system and a great opportunity to invest in a market that, for those who excels, knows no crisis.


The slimming service alone is worth about 40% of the revenue of a center. This branch, however, is not developed enough in beauty centers and is left to other specialists despite the fact that the figure of the beautician has been trained for years with notions of anatomy, physiology and biopathology. Over the years, non-functional methods have developed which have disappeared after a short time due to the poor effectiveness of the treatments. They also had a high cost for both the customer and the center that had to purchase the equipment. Our method, on the other hand, has existed for over twenty years because it involves the use of unquestionably effective machinery and a support system that supports the operators in all aspects of their work.


The percentage of overweight people in Italy is constantly increasing and today it has reached about 45% of the population.
So what to do to feel healthier and more beautiful? More and more people rely on specialized centers, after trying periods of diet and physical activity. Sanybei wants to be the best help a person can get to lose weight without doing further physical activity. Our innovative method provides treatments that, in addition to being effective, reduce costs for the customer, leaving an almost total profit to the operator. This is because this method does not require the presence of an operator inside the cabin and does not require any consumable material.


The slimming service alone is worth about 40% of the revenue of a center. This branch, however, is not developed enough in beauty centers and is left to other specialists despite the fact that the figure of the beautician has been trained for years with notions of anatomy, physiology and biopathology. Over the years, non-functional methods have developed which have disappeared after a short time due to the poor effectiveness of the treatments. They also had a high cost for both the customer and the center that had to purchase the equipment. Our method, on the other hand, has existed for over twenty years because it involves the use of unquestionably effective machinery and a support system that supports the operators in all aspects of their work.


The percentage of overweight people in Italy is constantly increasing and today it has reached about 45% of the population.
So what to do to feel healthier and more beautiful? More and more people rely on specialized centers, after trying periods of diet and physical activity. Sanybei wants to be the best help a person can get to lose weight without doing further physical activity. Our innovative method provides treatments that, in addition to being effective, reduce costs for the customer, leaving an almost total profit to the operator. This is because this method does not require the presence of an operator inside the cabin and does not require any consumable material.

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